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Health Disclaimer


  1. The Challenges

The challenges (referred to below as “Challenges”) that We provide will involve one or more of the following:

testing and assessment [(of, without limitation cardiovascular system, heart rate, muscle strength, body composition, endurance and flexibility)];

physical training;



aerobic conditioning and training;

weight training;

circuit training;

cardiovascular exercise and training;

resistance exercise, use of machinery, training equipment, free weights, circuit machinery and cardiovascular machines;



goal setting;

exercise prescription;

nutrition advice;

weight loss;

muscle toning;

strength building;

development of training plans;

motivating, leading and instructing;

and any other training activities, techniques and/or exercises.

We make no warranty or representation that any particular result will be brought about as a result of taking part in any Challenge. Results will differ from client to client depending on various factors, including, without limitation, body type, and nutrition.

  1. Scope of what We provide

  1. Technology


We do not, and cannot, assist You to obtain, set up, maintain, or operate any technology. If You need any assistance or advice about technology, You should seek it from an appropriate third party. We do not, and cannot, give You any advice about what technology is needed or how to use it.

We do not claim to have any expertise or skill in relation to any technology that You need or use for the purpose of receiving Training. We do not therefore take on any responsibility or accept any for any problem, loss or damage to any technology or other thing.

We will not be responsible or liable if You are unable to access any Challenge due to any failure or delay in performing Our obligations under these Terms and Conditions resulting from any cause beyond Our reasonable control. Such causes beyond Our reasonable control may include (but are not limited to):

  1. Where You are unable to resolve any technology; or

  2. Any slow speed, instability, temporary or other breakdown, unavailability or inadequacy of, or defect in, Your internet service or any other equipment or service (e.g. telecommunications, computing, audio or visual) that You use or rely on; or

  3. Failure of or defect in any delivery platform used by Us or You to make Challenges available to You; or

  4. Your inability to access Challenges due to failure of or defects in Our App etc.

  1. Gym Equipment etc


We do not supply or arrange for You to use any other gym or other exercise or training equipment that You will need. All equipment that You will need will be at Your own cost.


  1. Your responsibility for Your Account and its security

You must not share Your Account or Your Account details with anyone. If You believe that Your Account is being used without Your permission, please contact Us immediately. We will not be liable for any unauthorised use of Your Account.

You are fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Your password and account information and for all activities that occur under Your password or Account. You must ensure that You log out from Your Account at the end of each session of Your access of Training. You must immediately notify Us of any unauthorised use of Your password or Account or any other breach of security relating to Your Account.

You must never use anyone else’s Account without prior authorisation from Us for the specific occasion in question.

When creating an Account, the information You provide must be accurate and complete. If any of Your information changes at a later date, it is Your responsibility to ensure that Your Account is kept up to date.

  1. Fitness, Health and Safety

You acknowledge and agree that:

  1. Any Challenge may be physically strenuous.

  2. Certain particular or series of exercises or activities may be unsuitable for You if You have special needs, or any medical, health or fitness problem or condition.

  3. Due to the remote nature of Challenges, We do not undertake to and cannot attend, assist or advise or arrange for or alert any third party to do so, if during a Challenge You fall ill or have an accident.

  4. Whilst the trainer who provides each Challenge will be appropriately experienced and qualified as a fitness trainer and will be competent to set Challenges, We provide trainers subject to “(e)” below.

  5. Access to any Challenge is on the basis that it is subject to the following:

  • Our trainers are not medical or health professionals, and they do not have expertise to diagnose medical conditions or impairments;

  • Any advice provided by a trainer in respect of a Challenge does not constitute medical advice and is not a substitute for advice provided by a medical professional;

  • You voluntarily participate in a Challenge with full knowledge that even if a trainer involved in the Challenge is not negligent there is an inherent risk of personal injury or illness arising from Your participation in any exercise or activity and use of any equipment used by You;

  1. When You setup an Account, and also when You purchase any Premium Subscription, You confirm that you have no health or fitness problems (including, but not limited to cardiac irregularities; spinal, bone, joint, tendon or ligament injuries; spells of dizziness; asthma or other breathing difficulty; diabetes; epilepsy or other allergy) which may affect Your participation in any Challenge.

  2. You will ensure that You are fit and well enough to participate in any Challenge and that You will at all times be responsible for Your own state of health, physical condition and wellbeing.

  3. If You have any concerns about Your fitness or health, You will seek appropriate medical advice from Your GP, Physiotherapist or other relevant professional medical or other adviser before participating in any Challenge.

  4. Where necessary, You must obtain clearance from a relevant professional medical or other adviser before You book or participate in any Challenge. We cannot and do not provide any such advice or clearance.

  5. We are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any Community Challenges and we do not warrant or imply that any Premium Subscriber is appropriately qualified to set a Community Challenge.  If You choose to participate in any such Community Challenge then You do so entirely at your own risk.

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